SPH WellBeing
Who we are
Welcome to Student Wellbeing Support at SPH. We are based in the Wellbeing hub, beside the medical room. We are here to support with wellbeing and emotional support.
Well Being Team
What we do
Student wellbeing offer one to one and group support to young people across all year groups.
This includes – The therapeutic intervention of drawing and talking, lego therapy, exam stress groups and friendship workshops.
One to one sessions are arranged on a referral basis from the Head of Year. The young person will be assigned to a member of the team who will work together weekly or fortnightly on a their wellbeing with the aim to help build resilience and confidence. The team are here to listen to any problems the young person may be facing and to help them find a pathway through.
We work closely with Heads of Years and Form Tutors to help young people with things they find difficult and overwhelming. We can signpost to external agencies for support and internally refer to the school counsellor. Any concerns for the young person’s safety would be referred to the designated safeguarding team in school.
Bonnie the therapy dog
Bonnie is the SPH Therapy Dog. She is present at the school, being there for students when they need her.
Our Student Wellbeing Support team work very closely with our young people and are in regular communication with our Heads of Year to provide the bestÂ
Ms E Mills
Counselling is a talking therapy which gives the opportunity for a confidential space for the students to share and express any difficulties they may be experiencing. In addition to the talking therapy, the student has the invitation to use the place through the practice of Dramatherapy enabling the student to be creative through dramatic play with the use of mime, stories, role play, subconsciously exploring their emotions and past experiences.Â
Dramatherapy is a practice that offer the opportunity for the student to express their thoughts and feelings, gaining a deeper understanding of one-self in a safe contained space.